the natural acoustic
of Cap de Creus !
4rth Edition From July 1 to August 31

Cap de Creus Natural Park
Port Lligat \\ Cadaqués
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Summer Calendar 2025

On this occasion the musicians Daniel Felices and Frederico Vannini come together to review the Bolero and the Latin American song. They marinate everything with modern influences and other musical genres such as Flamenco, Samba, Jazz or Pop.

After many years leading two of the most famous World Music bands in Barcelona (Saffran! and MiraMundo), Francesca & Luiz decided to form their duo. unts propose a trip around the world with completely original compositions, navigating jazzy melodies and more groovy rhythms, to the beat of boleros, swings, waltzes and sambas, letting themselves be carried by waves from Latin America to the Mediterranean. The colleagues, a Spanish guitar and some small percussion elements.

"PABLITO" is the personal project of Colombian musician Juan Pablo Duran. A project that has been maturing in a multitude of spaces along the way. His music is a subtle alchemy of Latin rhythms such as bolero, cumbia or son, flavored with touches of jazz, funky and rock. A fresh mix, which invites us to discover the best of Caribbean rhythms.

Denis Teste -Sitar- and Ciro Montanari -Taula-. Two musicians who share a great passion for Hindu classical music, present us a project based on the styles of Hindu classical music, which in essence, is the representation of the cycles of nature with all its emotions or "Rasa", which the musician expresses, following the path of centuries of history that each "Raga" possesses.

Surrounded by music, this is how Leila Claud grew up, an artist who stands out for being one of the most interesting new voices in the Empordanès musical scene, her music is the voice of an amalgamation of styles. Pop, rock, jazz and Latin American folklore are the pillars on which his songs are supported. His live shows are composed of his own songs with fresh and emotional lyrics and very personal versions of other artists like Silvia Perez Cruz, Alex Ferreira among others.

The guitarist and composer Carlos Coronado presents his latest work "FLAMENCO MEDITERRÁNIO" A project, full of intention where the flamenco and his guitar, draw the landscapes of his native Empordà, distilling melodies and rhythms, which in essence, lead us to enjoy the colors of the Mediterranean.

Affra, emerging artist born in Badalona, 2001. The artist immerses herself in different musical styles from an early age and ends up finding herself in a very own style, drinking from sources such as Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Mercedes Sosa, Chavela Vargas and Maite Martín among others. He is currently composing what will be his first album and performing small-format concerts in Catalonia.

One of the most original proposals on the current musical scene are this revelatory duo that travels through sound in an organic way, mixing classical instruments (violin and cello) with their voices, creating live tracks of their own, pure, powerful and with an exquisite sensitivity.

Composer and guitarist in D'Callaos. Voice and guitar in De la Carmela. His sound draws from flamenco, Andalusian rock from the 70s and Latin American folklore. He begins to take the first steps as a singer-songwriter by the hand of great current poets such as José Manuel Díez, Iñaki C. Nazabal or Raúl Parra. After five studio albums and one self-produced album, he presents "SANGRE DE GALLO CANTOR" his first solo album, produced together with the great Pedro Javier González (Grammy Winner).

Montserrat Martos and Carlos Coronado offer us an embrace between classical and flamenco music through their two most characteristic instruments: the violin and the guitar. Carlos Coronado's Mediterranean-inspired works, based on the different flamenco sticks, alternate with pieces of different character and style, ranging from classical to jazz music. All this heterogeneous repertoire is shaped by this classical formation of guitar-violin, but with a fresh character.

"XY is balance, it is tenderness, strength and core. A small-format project where a voice and a cello anchor in a sea full of intense and sincere emotions to make each concert a unique moment. Matured lyrics and melodies that flow directly from the soul; songs that become authentic pieces of craftsmanship."

InTactvs is born from the meeting of Efrén López, Miriam Encinas and Simona Gatto, three musicians coming from various artistic experiences that include early music of European origin as well as non-European modal traditions. Sharing a strong passion for medieval music, and in particular for the Italian Ars Nova, they decided to create a unique project, in which the language, instrumentation and stylistic peculiarities of the genre are interpreted with contemporary nuances.

Naiara Armendáriz (voice and percussion) and David Fractals (handpan and voice) trace a journey through Latin America, Africa and the Mediterranean, where the traditional and the contemporary constantly dialogue from an intimate and poetic place, which little by little will make us part of their music. His concert will take us to visit various landscapes and musical styles, ranging from popular and folkloric music to self-composed songs.

Rusó Sala, guitarist and composer of Roses, considered one of the most intimate and unique voices in the current musical landscape. He presents us with a musical repertoire resulting from his 4 recording works. His live performances are transformed into a journey where voice and guitar forge sounds of our Mediterranean: seafaring or lullaby airs, cries of love or cries of loneliness, echoes of old melodies or the music of his current poems. An experience that will (re)connect us with the purest.

Sara Evans (Harp) and Damien Papin (double bass) present to us: Keryda, an unusual duo, formed by a Celtic harp and a double bass, a journey from east to west where the opposites harmonize creating an amalgam of self-composed sounds inspired by ancestral traditional music from around the world.

The Argentine singer and composer Ana Rossi presents her first album of her own compositions. "Una Casa" Musical metaphor of intimate and personal space that protects and defines us. A place to welcome, receive and share, with a variety of colors, lights and nuances, where Latin American folklore and that of the peninsula, Brazilian popular music, original song and poetry converse. Ana Rossi (Voice and Guitar) and Juan Pablo Balcázar (double bass)

Nathalie Chabot (violin) and Michel Michalakakos (viola), integral musicians of the National Orchestra of France, classical virtuosos with a long and extensive artistic career, performing in the best stages international, present a special, prepared by Gala Acústic, in the which will perform pieces by Handel, Telemann and Mozart, among others.

De gira per europa, la cantant i compositora mexicana Sariela Camargo, ens presenta el seu últim album "Mar adentro". Un projecte de cançons propies on el blues i el rock es fusionen amb la música tradicional llatinoamericana. Sobre l'escenari, Sareila, és una barreja de Janis Joplin i Chavela Vargas, que posa les emocions a flor de pell i et fa vibrar amb la seva veu potent i profunda.

Sara Evans (Arpa) i Damien Papin (contrabaix) ens presenten: Keryda, un duet inusual, format per una arpa celta i un contrabaix, un viatge d'est a oest on els oposats harmonitzen creant un amalgama de sonoritats de composició pròpia inspirades en música tradicional ancestral d'arreu del món.

Sara Evans (Arpa) i Damien Papin (contrabaix) ens presenten: Keryda, un duet inusual, format per una arpa celta i un contrabaix. Un viatge d'est a oest on els oposats harmonitzen, creant un amalgama de sonoritats de composició pròpia inspirades en la música tradicional ancestral d'arreu del món.

Vestido Estampado és un projecte que neix de la passió compartida d’un pare i una filla per la música. Una comunicació íntima que s’estableix en el caliu familiar. Marta Descamps (veu principal), Nando Descamps (veu i guitarra) creen aquesta formació, que viatja pels ritmes brasilers reinterpretant clàssics de la bossa nova, la samba i temes més actuals i propis al voltant de la llengua lusitana.

La música i els directes de Guillem Roma agafen força en les distàncies curtes. Per això, que millor que poder-lo escolta ben a prop amb un concert íntim, repassant el seu repertori més brillant. Cançons amb personalitat pròpia i una frescor original amb influències que ens porten del carib fins al mediterrani.

Mentre l'home cultivi la guerra, hi haurà dones llaurant la pau. 🕊️A tall d'altar íntim, la cantautora empordanesa Rusó Sala i la multiinstrumentista Miriam Encinas presenten PAXARAS, on ens invoquen a reflexionar sobre la llibertat de moviment i els seus límits, inspirades en el vol de l'ocell (paxaro, en sefardita). Un vitrall sonor que neix a partir de restes d'Al-Andalus i Sefarad esparcides pel Mediterrani. Rusó Sala: guitarra i veu Miriam Encinas: percussió, viola medieval, kantele, flaut

Arianna Savall i Petter U.Johansen, ens presenten un programa on dues veus, un violí noruec i unes arpes es posen al servei d'una poesia i una música que canta a l'amor i al misteri de la vida. Cançons antigues i modernes, cants del Sud i del Nord que s'abracen en el present. Un viatge que connecta a través de la música, els subtils ponts existents entre la cançó catalana, noruega i sefardita, ponts invisibles que han quedat com a testimoni d'aquest fil conductor entre cultures.

Cantant d'origen Barceloní de veu melismàtica amb segell mediterrani. Proposa versions i peces de tons intimistes. Les seves cançons tenen pinzellades de folklore del món. Bossa, zamba sud-americana, flamenc, cançó grega i turca, entre d'altres. Les lletres d'aquestes són históries sinceres, senzilles reflexions, poètiques.